Excess body fat could result in numerous health concerns, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. This extra fat could also negatively affect your self-esteem and general life quality. Luckily, numerous treatments are available to help people reduce their body fat and enhance their muscle definition. One such procedure is MuscleSculpt. Utilizing high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM®) energy, musclesculpt™ Chicago triggers powerful contractions that could help people attain the sculpted, toned physique they desire. However, as with other procedures, it is crucial to determine if you are eligible for this treatment. Here are some typical signs that you can qualify for MuscleSculpt.
- Be In Relatively Good Shape
One major prerequisite of undergoing a MuscleSculpt procedure is being in relatively good shape. Persons in good health and physically active are more likely to enjoy a positive response to treatment and experience the desired outcomes.
Besides, individuals in great shape can better tolerate the intensity of muscle contractions triggered by the procedure. If you have underlying health concerns or unhealthy habits like excessive alcohol consumption or smoking, inform your doctor or quit these habits to enhance the likelihood of a positive treatment outcome.
- Desire Better Muscle Definition
Desiring better muscle definition is crucial in determining whether this procedure benefits you. Most people try attaining the desired body shape via exercise and diet, but might still struggle to achieve the muscle definition they want.
MuscleSculpt can help target particular muscle groups, enabling persons to attain improved muscle definition in a more targeted manner. However, it is important to note that this procedure is not a substitute for regular exercise and a healthy diet. Rather, it could be a supplement to your efforts.
- Have No Pacemakers, Screws, or Other Metal Devices In The Body
Moreover, MuscleSculpt is not appropriate for individuals who have metal devices in their bodies. The HIFEM energy delivered via the procedure may disrupt the function of these devices, resulting in life-threatening complications.
Besides, the powerful contractions triggered by the procedure could cause screws or other metal devices in the body to shift or move, leading to injury. Thus, people with such devices must inform their doctor before therapy. In some instances, alternative therapies could be recommended.
- Not Be Pregnant or Nursing
MuscleSculpt is not suggested for people who are pregnant or nursing. Although no studies indicate that the procedure harms expectant or nursing women, prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, if you are pregnant or nursing, it is best to wait till later to undergo the procedure.
- You Want To Avoid Surgery
Another indicator that you are eligible for MuscleSculpt is if you want to avoid surgery. Conventional surgical techniques for reducing body fat and enhancing muscle definition could be intrusive, painful, and require a long recovery time. Contrary, MusceSculpt is a non-intrusive treatment that does not need any cuts, downtime, or anesthesia, making it a more attractive alternative for people who want a sculpted physique without surgery.
Unwanted body fat could make you self-conscious about your appearance, affecting your interpersonal relationships, social life, and even career life. While fad diets and workout routines can help eliminate some body fat, it is not always effective. In the past, patients only had the option of traditional surgical techniques like liposuction, which involved huge risks, complications, and prolonged recovery times. Thankfully, if you want an alternative to these invasive procedures, you can resort to a MuscleSculpt procedure. While these are general guidelines that you are eligible for the procedure, talk to your doctor to eliminate any uncertainties.