Straightening your smile should be a well-thought-out plan. You must look for a treatment that will give you desired results while offering comfort and convenience, like the Invisalign treatment. Invisalign Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY, offers teeth straightening benefits, allowing you to remove them and enjoy your favorite meals without restriction.
Before you get Invisalign treatment, consider your oral health goals and the outcome of the treatment in straightening your smile. Invisalign trays are easy to maintain and clean, unlike traditional metal braces, which can make it difficult to clean hard-to-reach areas.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a removable transparent type of treatment for straightening teeth. It involves scanning teeth and wearing custom-made aligners or trays to straighten your crooked smile. Invisalign aligners work the same way as metal braces.
You might prefer Invisalign trays because they are removable, and unlike metal braces, they don’t affect the surrounding tissues like gums or inside the cheeks by applying unnecessary pressure.
What to expect from your appointment
During your appointment, your dentist will perform a dental exam to check your teeth and gums. They will check for infections and other issues and recommend treatment before proceeding. Since Invisalign aligners are removable, they will use a 3D scan of your teeth to create a good fit for them.
Your doctor will fit the trays over your teeth when they are ready. Invisalign aligners apply firm but gentle pressure on your teeth while guiding them toward a straight line. The treatment recommends that you wear your aligners for around 22 hours daily and get a new tray after every one or two weeks.
How to care for your Invisalign trays
Since you will have new aligners after two weeks, you should take care of your current pair so that it can serve you better. For example, you should remove your trays when eating to avoid biting them down, leading to wear and tear, which might affect your results. Your doctor will recommend removing them before you eat.
Ensure to remove your aligners when playing contact sports to avoid damaging them. Don’t chew hard things like ice when wearing your aligners to avoid damage. Wear a mouth guard to protect your teeth, and keep your aligners in a protective case to avoid losing them.
Keep your aligners in warm water to keep them wet and soft. When you leave them to dry, they might lose shape and affect your outcome.
How to clean your Invisalign trays
You should clean your Invisalign trays when you are cleaning your teeth. When you are done eating, brush your teeth and rinse your aligners in warm water. When cleaning them, use warm soapy water and a soft-bristled brush. Never use hot water, which can distort their shape, affecting your results.
If you have misaligned or crooked teeth, visit Brooklyn City Dental for Invisalign treatment and fitting. The friendly and experienced team at the facility will examine your mouth before creating custom-made Invisalign trays for your dental concerns. Call or schedule your appointment online today and straighten your smile.