In an era of diseases, everyone looks to ensure a safe life-leading process. But, when pollution and contaminants are waiting to affect our health at every step of life, we have to arrange ourselves for safety measures to combat bacteria and other kinds of stuff to contaminate and play with our health.
It is no new information that water, air, and other environmental pollution are increasing day by day. And we know that water is significant sustenance of life. In the absence of pure water, one hardly sustains oneself. One may live without food for some time, but one cannot survive too long sans water.
Water is required in domestic life for cleaning, washing, drinking, cooking. Do you know what we should do to avail ourselves of purified water? We should resort to a good water purifier service provider to avail ourselves of a water purifier.
Types of Water Purifiers
You may be astonished to know that the market is replete with multiple types of water purifiers. But for your convenience, we are classifying them into three types.
- Gravity Water Purifier
- UV Water Purifier
- RO Water Purifier
Three Features of Gravity Water Purifier Along With Its Price
To precisely discuss the three major features of a gravity water purifier, we should first mention that it uses pressure filtration deftly to purify water. It is non-electric. It is portable. It is available on the market at the price of 1099/-. This is the starting price.
Three Features of UV Water Purifier Along With Its Price
Before talking about the features of a UV water purifier, let’s first tell you about its full form, that is to say, Ultraviolet Water Purifier. As the name itself suggests, it uses Ultraviolet Rays for operation. It works very fast in an efficient manner. It treats microbiologically unsafe water with its germicidal ray to provide you with clean water for safe consumption. 5499/- is the price at which this product is available in the market.
Three Features of UV Water Purifier Along With Its Price
The full form of RO is Reverse Osmosis. Availability of RO service means ensuring the extermination of the toxic elements inherent in water. It improves the taste of the water by eliminating the foul elements that render a bad smell and taste to water. Moreover, it removes TDS from water so that you can consume it safely, unlike the case of a UV water purifier. If we talk about its starting price, it is around 7099/-.
Sources Of Water
You must know that in a country like India, water comes to our door through three sources:
- Municipal Corporation Water
From lakes, rivers, and other municipal sources, water reaches us for consumption. You may feel surprised to learn that this type of water contains TDS between 1 to 200 ppm.
- Ground Water
If the water source you are consuming is coming from a tubewell or borewell, its TDS is expected to be between 200 to 2000 ppm.
- Municipal Sources
If the water originates from municipal sources, like municipality, tanker, etc TDS level may vary from area to area and day to day.
Some Important Factors Before Deciding On Which Water Purifier Will Suit You
Before purchasing any purifier, you should do some research to know the source and quality (hardness, salinity, and TDS) of the water supplied to your area. Usually, if the water’s TDS is below 200 ppm, it is regarded as pretty good for consumption.
After determining the TDS level, opt for the water purifier that is behooving your water type.
If the TDS level ranges from 50 – 200 ppm, go for UF, UV, or UF and UV. If the TDS level ranges from 200 – 500 ppm, opt for RO or RO and UV. If the TDS level ranges above 1000 ppm, you need to opt for both RO and UV.
Do You Prefer an Electric Or a Non-Electric Water Purifier?
You can go for either an electric water purifier or a non-electric water purifier. Non-electric water purifiers will flush out the contaminated elements hinging on the technology that is used. Sometimes UF technology, sediment filtration, and carbon filtration are deployed to eliminate foul odor and smell and Chlorine.
On the other hand, electric purifiers function heavily on dissolved solids, viruses, and bacterias, which inhere water of an urban area.
Two Basic Steps For Choosing The Right Water Purifier
There are two basic steps for culling a suitable water purifier. The first step is to check water quality, and the second one is, as mentioned above, to determine the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) levels.
Which Is Better Between UV Or UF?
UV water purifiers can annihilate bacteria and viruses and render purified water. UF water purifier restricts bacteria, viruses in the UF hollow fiber membrane. Based on the water quality of the area one can buy UV or UF water purifier accordingly.
Best TDS For Consumable Water
If the TDS level is between 50-150 ppm, it is deemed suitable and healthy in superlative terms for human consumption.
Final Thoughts
It can be said by way of conclusion that obtaining a good quality water purifier is exigent nowadays. However, one may feel confused with ample options in hand, like RO purifiers, Copper water purifiers, UV purifiers, etc. But let us tell you that all purifiers are, ultimately, capable of providing you with clean and fresh water for consumption.