You would think that humans have nailed the concept of happiness; after all, we have landed on the moon, made robots, intelligent systems, and what not. However, reality belies this!
Attaining happiness
While we all want happiness, we are still unclear about how to attain it. In our race for money, success, and social relationships, we have stopped being happy. This in turn has implications for the health of not just the individuals, but also the society.
Thus, it is imperative that we all prioritize happiness. While it is a subjective experience, however, there are still steps that we can do to more happiness and improve mental health.
However, people who suffer from depression, need to get help from expert that you can book over at Depression occurs due to chemical imbalance in the brain and cannot be remedied without expert intervention.
Ways to be happy
You might shudder at the thought of exercising, but it is great for your mental health, alongside promoting physical health.
Exercise helps in releasing the happiness chemicals in the body. Moreover, exercise also decreases the levels of stress hormone in the body. Since physical ailments can also lead to mood and mental health problems, exercise also promotes happiness by improving physical health as well.
Eat better
Diet is not important for your physical health, but it is also vital for your mood and mind. To promote happiness, you should eat carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grain.
Refrain from eating too much sugar, as following the sugar rush is also the sugar crash. Proteins also help in the release of dopamine and norepinephrine, which boost energy. Moreover, dark chocolate is also good for promoting feeling of happiness in the body.
Similarly, it is vital that you do not skip meal. Hypoglycemia is not only bad for the body, but it also leads to irritability and short temper. Thus, make sure you eat frequent and healthy meals.
Practice gratitude
Gratitude is great way to promote happiness. It makes us humble, and cognizant of our blessings, thereby leading to contentment. Gratitude is also helpful for promoting optimism and hope.
One excellent way to practice gratitude is daily journaling. Be mindful of all your blessing and try to be kind to people around you as well.
Social Media detox
Social media is a toxic space. There are hateful comments, keyboard warriors and other several sources of negative energy that drain our minds.
Similarly, social media also amplify our competitive nature. The constant need to outdo each other’s, gain more followers and score vanity points tax our minds. Moreover, when we see others having fun on the social media, we become more dissatisfied with our lives. Envy eats at us, and we become more spiteful and unhappy.
Thus, it is vital that we cut this source of negative vibe. We need to realize that our social media avatars are not a true depiction of the reality. Therefore, try to cut back on the social media usage. If possible, limit to only few minutes every week!
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You may not be getting sleep due to deadlines or exams, but perpetual sleep deprivation has grave implications for the health. It also is the reason why you are not able to smile.
Thus, make sure that you get 7-9 hours of sleep every day. In this endeavor, it is pertinent that you follow good sleep hygiene by not eating before bedtime, turning down lights, making sure that you go to bed and wake up at the same time to establish routine.
Breathing exercises
Deep breaths are effective for promoting happiness in the body. Since stress affects our breathing, regulating it also thus helps in curbing stress. However, for chronic stress, it is best that you enlist the help of the Best Psychologist in Karachi