A spinal injury may be debilitating, causing you to experience unending pain. You may also experience back pain due to stressing your back or sleeping in an uncomfortable posture. A medical checkup is always the best solution when the pain does not go away. There are instances when you take painkillers, but the pain only stops for a while and then returns. If you have struggled with unending back pain, you can have a remedy at Expert Pain. The pain management specialists use a spinal cord stimulator to relieve your pain after all other treatment options have failed to produce effective results. Looking for an ideal pain relief option? Here are the benefits to enjoy with a spinal cord stimulator.
It Is Minimally Invasive
The spinal cord stimulator does not require numerous incisions. You will only have one major incision where the generator is planted. The generator is placed using a hollow needle to stimulate the spinal nerves. It contains electrodes that transmit currents to the nerves and help lock the pain transmission through the spine to the brain. Some people may react to the generator by having a few side effects, but the good thing is that the procedure is reversible, especially if it doesn’t work well with your body.
Reduce Opioid Use
People with unending back pain use different options to help relieve their pain. They use opioids, a strong form of painkillers, to give lasting relief. However, once the body gets used to opioids, they fail to offer relief, and you may end up using a higher dosage than recommended to get relief. Higher doses may cause addiction effects which are not good for your health. However, a spinal cord stimulator helps save you from these side effects. You do not have to rely on opioids once you begin using the stimulator, as the results are better than those from opioids. The use will eliminate opioid usage hence improving your health.
Help With Target Pain Relief
When patients with pain take medications, the effect is experienced throughout the whole body. If the medication leads to dizziness or constipation, that may affect your overall health. These side effects affect areas that are unrelated to the spinal cord. However, spinal cord stimulation has no additional side effects affecting other organs. The procedure only targets the spinal cord and delivers pain relief to a specific area based on your needs.
Adjustable Pain Relief
People experience pain differently. Some experience much pain, while others only have mild encounters. The spinal cord stimulator can be adjusted according to the amount of pain in place to offer the desired relief. The device may adjust automatically to match your chronic condition and reverse when the pain subsides. When the patient is uncomfortable with the stimulation level, the doctor can adjust the electrical impulses for the patient’s comfort.
Back pain may deny you a chance to enjoy that bicycle ride or swimming moment you always want after a tiresome week. However, if you have tried different treatment options, it is time to use a spinal cord stimulator. The procedure guarantees effective pain relief with no side effects. Once you begin the procedure, you can relax and forget your back pain.