According to research, migraines affect around 12% of Americans. They are among the most prevalent types of headache problems. However, migraines go beyond “simply” headaches. Days before the migraine starts, you could start seeing symptoms, including mood swings, sleeping difficulties, and trouble focusing. Fortunately, Florida Pain Management Institute offers effective migraine treatment.
Knowing the typical migraine warning symptoms will help you be ready for or attempt to avoid them if you suffer from them.
1. Aura
According to studies, about 30% of persons who have migraines suffer from aura before or during a migraine episode. Almost all persons with migraine auras suffer visual symptoms, including flashing lights, zigzag lines, or blind patches.
A little over a third of those who experience auras may have hearing impairments, including tinnitus (ear ringing), music, or sounds. According to research, 10 percent of persons experience language changes, such as difficulty comprehending or recognizing words. Also, people rarely suffer motor auras accompanied by weakness on one side of the face or body.
The normal duration of an aura is five minutes to an hour, and it may appear an hour after the headache or concurrently. Auras can occur in certain persons even when no headache is present.
2. Irritability, excitement, or depression
Mood swings may indicate a migraine attack. According to the American Migraine Foundation, they start in the prodrome phase, the initial stage of a migraine attack, which can begin hours or even days before the aura or headache stages. A prodrome lasts for several hours or days instead of 5–60 minutes, which makes it different from an aura.
You can experience depression, annoyance, or hyperactivity. Other mood changes might also occur; prodrome symptoms differ greatly amongst individuals. According to research, some people experience euphoria, characterized by extreme excitement or delight.
3. Lack of restful sleep
Individuals with migraines commonly experience morning weariness or disturbed sleep. When migraines develop, getting a good night’s sleep might be difficult. According to experts, many patients will experience sleeplessness as a result of their migraine.
This difficulty in falling asleep may be the beginning of a vicious circle. Sleep difficulties are also the migraine causes that are mentioned the most frequently.
4. Watery eyes or a runny nose
Some individuals with migraine have sinus symptoms such as a stuffy nose, clear nasal discharge, drooping eyelids, or tearing.
These symptoms frequently cause medical professionals to diagnose patients with sinus headaches, which are headaches brought on by a bacterial or viral sinus infection that go away seven days after the onset of sinus symptoms. This is a typical migraine misdiagnosis.
5. Difficulty speaking
Another indication that a migraine is about to strike is difficulty speaking. According to studies, difficulty comprehending or finding the right words might be a sign of a migraine.
Many individuals with migraine will experience blabbering. Contact a medical professional if you are experiencing speech issues for the first time to ensure they are not caused by a more serious condition, such as a stroke.
The severity of a person’s functional impairment and general quality of life can be greatly impacted by migraine. For this reason, correct diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Call Florida Pain Management Institute to book your appointment for migraine treatment.