Those wishing to lose weight quickly often choose a method such as low-calorie diets – there are now a great many of them. But in most cases, the lost kilograms quickly return again, often in greater quantities than it was “before”.
Those who want to lose weight quickly often choose a method such as low-calorie diets – there are a great many of them now. But in most cases, the lost kilograms quickly return again, often in greater quantities than they were “before”. A proper diet without diets can help you lose weight and stay slim for a long time. It’s how it works.
A Balanced Diet for Weight Loss
The basics of good nutrition is a specific approach to forming a diet that contains the elements we need in the required proportions.
This approach to nutrition has been known for a long time. Nutritionists have developed it based on the specific combination of “protein-fat-carbs” needed for a full life.
The Harris-Benedict equation is used to calculate the caloric intake appropriate for a particular person:
- Men: (10 × body weight/kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × number of full years) + 5.
- Women: (10 × body weight/kg in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × number of full years) – 161.
The difference between a proper diet and a diet is that it doesn’t imply a rigid restriction of the daily caloric intake and is focused on maintaining health and normal body weight. Therefore, this principle of eating can be applied for as long as you like, even for life.
Good nutrition isn’t a diet and is shown to both people having an active lifestyle and those who prefer a sedentary one playing at 22Bet and working at home the whole day. It’s a principle of eating based on the sufficiency of all the substances the body needs. It’s important that the main part of the diet consists of natural products.
Benefits for Your Health
With the help of proper nutrition, health comes back to normal, extra pounds go away, resistance to diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases increases.
The transition to proper nutrition is often due to pre-existing problems such as obesity, chronic fatigue, and heart failure. But a balanced diet is especially valuable for preventive purposes – that is, to maintain a healthy body.
How to Change to a Healthy Diet
It’s better to start eating healthy gradually, without making drastic changes in your diet. The first step can be a revision of one’s eating habits, the foods that one is used to eating every day. The easiest way is to keep a food diary for a while. It will help make sure how many necessary substances the daily diet contains, what elements are enough, and what should be added to the menu.
The next step is the obligatory daily breakfast. It’s wrong to think that you can skip it without harming your health. On the contrary, breakfast is the most important meal, from which the body gets energy for the next day.
Don’t abruptly remove all caloric foods from your diet. For example, exclude baked goods and white bread in the first week, then chocolate.
During the transition to a healthy diet at first, it’s unnecessary to establish strict control over the amount of consumed elements. It’s important to understand that the menu can include any dish, but within the limits of the daily calorie intake. Once the body gets used to a certain number of calories, you can begin to control the balance of proteins, carbs, and fats from the food.
The Basics of a Healthy Diet
Maintain a healthy diet with these guidelines:
- Eat regularly and fairly often. The break between meals shouldn’t be longer than 4 hours. So the food is better absorbed, and the body gets used to a certain eating pattern. If you skip meals to lose weight, the body will take a defensive position and begin to store reserves (in other words, fat) for good.
- Each person has his own daily regime, so the eating schedule will also be individual. For example, if you work in an office, you need to compose a daily diet, taking into account the daily work schedule.
- Don’t wash down food with a lot of water. This way the walls of the stomach are stretched, and the food is digested worse.
- Avoid foods with a low or zero percentage of fat. Animal fats are an important element necessary for the normal functioning of the body, especially for the nervous system and hormonal background.
- The recommended portions are small, and you should eat only when you are hungry. Don’t “binge” on emotions – this won’t solve the problems, but will only add unnecessary kilograms.
- Choose products of natural origin, vegetables and fruits.
Moreover, you need to stop eating while watching TV, as well as to put off gadgets. Even busy meals should be alternated with breaks for 10-20 minutes. This will help avoid overeating.