Joint pain is commonly felt in your hands, feet, hips, knees, or spine. If you have pain in multiple joints, it is referred to as polyarthralgia. Joint pain is usually the result of injury, infection, illness, or inflammation. The most prevalent causes of joint pain Cedar Rapids include:
1. Injury
Joint discomfort is usually caused by an injury that can result from the excessive usage or effort of your joints or from an impact that leads to a fracture, sprain, or strain. For instance, a major knee injury damages the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Also, those who play specific sports, like soccer, basketball, or football, are more likely to injure their ACL.
2. Diseases
Several illnesses can cause joint pain. Lupus, for example, is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by muscle and joint discomfort. In fact, joint pain is the initial symptom for more than half of those who have lupus. Also, lupus occurs when your body’s immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue.
3. Viral infections
Some infections might cause joint discomfort. For example, the hepatitis C virus (HCV) might result in joint discomfort problems. Those with HCV are more likely to develop rheumatic disorders, which can cause complications such as joint discomfort.
4. Arthritis
Arthritis and arthralgia are quite similar yet have key differences. Both characterize joint pain, but arthralgia does not have the particular inflammation in the joint that arthritis does. Approximately half of all individuals with arthritis experience ongoing joint discomfort. There are about 100 distinct types of arthritis, including:
- Osteoarthritis, the most prevalent kind of arthritis, develops over time when the cartilage, the protective cushion between the bones, deteriorates. The joints stiffen and become uncomfortable. Osteoarthritis develops gradually and generally appears during middle age.
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic disorder that causes joint swelling and discomfort. The joints frequently get distorted (usually occurring in the fingers and wrists).
- Gout is a painful disorder in which body crystals build in the joint, producing extreme pain and swelling. This is most prevalent in the big toe.
When to see your specialist concerning joint pain
If pain is interfering with your routine daily activities, it is time to speak to a doctor about the issue. It is crucial to diagnose the cause of the discomfort quickly and start therapy to alleviate pain and maintain healthy, functioning joints. You should see a clinician if you have any of the following indicators:
- Pain that is accompanied by a fever.
- If there is an unexplained weight loss (10 pounds or more).
- If pain is preventing you from walking properly.
You may feel joint pain in several places of the body, which can be caused by variables such as age, weight, past injuries, overuse, and other medical disorders. If you experience unexplained joint discomfort, see your healthcare professional, particularly if it does not go away after a few days. Early discovery and diagnosis can help you address the underlying cause of your pain. Call American Rehabilitation Medicine or book your meeting online to determine which joint pain therapies are ideal for you.